Thanh Pho Hai Phong tide times for today, tomorrow and this week

Thanh Pho Hai Phong, Vietnam tide chart

Sunday 28 April 2024, 5:16AM +07 (GMT +0700). The tide is currently falling in Thanh Pho Hai Phong. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 3.1m will be at 7:47pm and the lowest tide of 0.4m will be at 8:02am. Click here to see Thanh Pho Hai Phong tide times for the week.

Next high tide

Next high tide is at

Next low tide

Next low tide is at

Tide times for Thanh Pho Hai Phong

Tide table for Thanh Pho Hai Phong this week
Day Tide times for Thanh Pho Hai Phong Sunrise and sunset
1st Tide 2nd Tide 3rd Tide 4th Tide
Sun 288:02am
0.4 m
3.1 m
5:25am 6:16pm
Mon 298:50am
0.3 m
3.2 m
5:24am 6:17pm
Tue 309:42am
0.2 m
3.3 m
5:24am 6:17pm
Wed 110:35am
0.2 m
3.2 m
5:23am 6:17pm
Thu 211:29am
0.2 m
5:22am 6:18pm
Fri 312:01am
3.1 m
0.4 m
5:22am 6:18pm
Sat 412:59am
2.9 m
0.7 m
5:21am 6:18pm

Best fishing times for Thanh Pho Hai Phong today Today is an average fishing day

Major fishing times

From 8:58am to 10:58am

Opposing lunar transit (moon down)

From 9:27pm to 11:27pm

Lunar Transit (moon up)

Minor fishing times

From 7:48am to 8:48am


From 9:57pm to 10:57pm


Click here to see Thanh Pho Hai Phong fishing times for the week.

Current weather in Thanh Pho Hai Phong

Partly cloudy


Cloud cover 42%


Min 26°C/Max 28°C


19 km/h
Wind gust 32 km/h


Dew point 25°C

Click here to see Thanh Pho Hai Phong weather for the week.

Today's weather in Thanh Pho Hai Phong

The sun will rise at 5:25am and the sunset will be at 6:16pm. There will be 12 hours and 51 minutes of sun and the average temperature is 27°C. At the moment water temperature is 23°C and the average water temperature is 23°C.

Weather forecast for Thanh Pho Hai Phong today
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h 24 h
Partly cloudyPartly cloudyCloudyPatchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearbyPartly cloudyThundery outbreaks in nearbyThundery outbreaks in nearbyPartly cloudy

Click here to see Thanh Pho Hai Phong weather for the week.

More tide and marine information for Thanh Pho Hai Phong

Regions and cities in Thanh Pho Hai Phong, Vietnam